關於電影Washington Square

2008-11-10 12:39 am
有無人睇過Henry James 果本Washington Square或者電影ar??

回答 (1)

2008-11-16 11:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To get more ideas about the movie Washington Square (1997) you may read the following plot summaries and film review:1)平凡的女孩 Catherine Sloper 因為可繼承父親一筆可觀的遺產而有了不平凡的一生。愛上一位英俊的男子,令她平淡的生活泛起了漣漪,但她卻不知道這快樂的背後原來隱藏了陰謀。Sloper的父親、愛管閒事的姨媽以及她的情人為各自的利益而犧牲Sloper的幸福,Sloper的心就這樣被他們自私的行為打碎了。http://www.cp1897.com.hk/product_info.php?BookId=96207166712)Catherine Sloper has found the man of her dreams in Morris Townsend, but her plans to marry him are strongly opposed by her father, who believes Townsend is only interested in his daughter for her money. But Catherine is determined to follow her heart, even if she loses her inheritance in the process. But just what are Townsend's intentions?... this is a beautiful production though it fails somewhat because of its lead actor. The whole film is beautiful to look at and engaging which does make up for the sometimes overdone acting from Leigh who seems to jolt her head around a bit like a deranged person not a shy insecure young woman. However having watched it twice, her performances seem more true and lend themselves well to the character and the emotion of the film. Ben Chaplin was great but you don't believe any of the love he professes for Catherine, but perhaps that was the point,to him its a fair and equal exchange. The best performance ends up coming from Aunt Elizabeth Almond played by Judith Ivey.Costume fans for which I am one will enjoy the sheer amount of dresses & the depiction of Victorian life & customs. In the end surprisingly I was very moved by this period piece, you do see in Catherine something of a discovery of her own value as a human being and Leigh carries it off very well. The last scene with the children singing on the floor is beautiful. Of the American period films I've seen this is a favourite. If you can pretend this is a theatre production and enjoy some intense dramatic acting you'll love it.http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120481/
參考: So are you sure the one you love really loves you or loves your money?

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