一說和平 你想到什麼情境

2008-11-09 9:04 pm
朋友對你說和平時 你會聯想到什麼情境?請描述

回答 (4)

2008-11-10 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
聖經在以賽亞書65:17-25所說的預言 :
看哪! 我造新天新地; 從前的事不再被記念, 也不再追想。你們當因我所造的永遠歡喜快樂; 因我造耶路撒冷為人所喜, 造其中的居民為人所樂。我必因耶路撒冷歡喜, 因我的百姓快樂; 其中必不再聽見哭泣的聲音和哀號的聲音。其中必沒有數日夭折的嬰孩, 也沒有壽數不滿的老者; 因為百歲死的仍算孩童, 有百歲死的罪人算被咒詛。他們要建造房屋, 自己居住; 栽種葡萄園, 吃其中的果子。他們建造的, 別人不得住; 他們栽種的, 別人不得吃; 因為我民的日子必像樹木的日子; 我選民親手勞碌得來的必長久享用。他們必不徒然勞碌, 所生產的, 也不遭災害, 因為都是蒙耶和華賜福的後裔; 他們的子孫也是如此。他們尚未求告, 我就應允; 正說話的時候, 我就垂聽。豺狼必與羊羔同食; 獅子必吃草如牛一樣; 塵土必作蛇的食物。在我聖山的遍處, 這一切都不傷人, 不害物。這是耶和華說的。
參考: 聖經
2008-11-12 3:33 am
2008-11-10 2:28 pm
the fact is that we like
Imagining peaceful world, imagining a heaven of no tears, imagine a world of no war.

And we inisit on supporting our country, " we are Chinese" " We are Indain" or we inisit on supporiing our God: "Our God is the only truth" " Alah is the only God!" We can kill each other because of this kind of belief and that kind of theory. and we talk: " love your neighbour!"

Humanity is one, if you kill others, you are killing yourselves, since humanity is one, just like if you chop off your hand, the wholle system of body is changed.

we like to talk about peace, but inwardly we are very violent, full of competiton, full of ambiton, the whole society try to shape you into a certain form, and we follow, we act according to what our mum told us, our God told us, our President told us. But we never think independently, : why am I so violent?

so why do we still talk about peace? To human, peace is always in the future.
We just can't live peacefully now.

Find out why we don't have love, no merciness, just think of ourselves, money, stock and so on and so on...

Is that more worthy than just describing what peace is, since to me. without serious thoughts on what the world is really happening, just think and imagine a place, full of trees, full of music, and no war, no povety, no hunger......................

is utterly meaningless
參考: J.Krishnamurti: You are the world
2008-11-10 3:11 am

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