although and though 之分別

2008-11-09 8:03 am
although and though 之分別
有無 examples?

回答 (3)

2008-11-09 4:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ALTHOUGH是雖然 (usually use as the first word of the sentence)BUT is可是 or 不过(usually use as the last word of the sentence)

Ex: Although I don't like to read books, but I have to because it is one of my homwqork assignment.

Ex: Although I don't like the colour blue, I still bought a blue jacket.

Ex: The fee for the Ocean Park was expensive,it was fun though.

Ex: Laser Tag was fun, it was expensive though.
2008-11-10 11:36 pm
Although 之後不可用 but, 但可用 yet 或 nevertheless:
e.g although it was cold outside, he left without wearing a coat.
參考: 現代英漢綜合大辭典
2008-11-09 8:20 am
although 是雖然 though是透過


although he is from the north, but he still like sausage

We could understand the improant and key information about this subject though
the textbook.
參考: 自己

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