My job has too much anxiety................?

2008-11-09 1:03 am
That's just the way this industry is....... Not only it has a lot of responsbilities but dealing with people is the worst. People are so unpredicated, and I just hate to guess what they want. I feel anxious everyday. After a long day of work, I just want to go home, get some rest and get a good night of sleep. However, this is not possible. What else is worst than getting interrupted during your sleep? Humans need good sleep to maintain their health. People abuse us in this industry. I'm trying hard to switch my career. I really need to get out of it. I need to find a way to reduce stress and anxiety.

回答 (7)

2008-11-09 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Im in the Navy try toping that
2008-11-09 9:24 am
1. take a good multivitamin plus extra Vitamin B
2. get some Red Korean Ginseng and have it as a root or tea
3. start a journal to help you write down each morning how you expect the day to go and how you feel about it, what worries you and what you might be able to do about each worry
4. get some L-theanine chewable tablets (natural factors) to calm you
5. start by turning off all devices when you sleep and if you get called during the night say OH I'm sorry my batteries must have died or I must have been deeply asleep etc etc or some other excuse
6. disengage yourself mentally from the job. Take it one day at a time and DON"T let it run your life. Start refocusing your goals outside of that one job
7. Spend more time with friends and family or on job hunting or both
2008-11-09 9:16 am
I must be in the same industry!
Learn to thrive on the stress, learn to breathe it in and transform it into inspiration, find a way within yourself to remain calm when your colleagues are flipping out. even if you only appear calm, my guess is that you are good at your job and that is why you have found yourself in the powerful corridors where anxiety blows through like a saharan wind storm. Get used to it, dont run from it. Use it to your own advantage. when you are in your position blame is thrown around far more than appreciation, always have the right answer and your back will be covered, when others are flinging blame, remind them that it is a solution that is sought, take charge and you will see the world through the eyes of a leader.
2008-11-09 9:16 am
Wear ear plugs, ask a MD for sleeping pills but you will have to change them monthly so I don't suggest that. Find a hobby you enjoy. Never drink because it makes you detox during the day.
2008-11-09 9:11 am
I think all jobs are depressing and gives people anxiety well to me it does
2008-11-09 9:10 am
You can talk to your Doctor and S/He can either refer you to a Psychologist or can give you tablets which will help reduce your anxiety. If you go to a Psychologist you wil most probably instead of taking medication you will be counseled on how to better cope with stress. I suggest you talk to your Doctor or Psychologist/Counselor and try to move career. You may find Happyiness in a less stressfull career even if the career isnt as highly payed as your last one atleast your happy.
參考: I studied Psychology.
2008-11-09 9:09 am
Im sorry about your job try praying and maybe yoga or meditation this could release your anxiety ; and yes search for other jobs

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