What is Windows safe mode?

2008-11-09 3:20 am
I use Windos XP.

What is windows safe mode?

How to change my computer to Windows Safe Mode?

回答 (3)

2008-11-09 3:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
簡單來講,就係個 windows 只執行最基本的功能,開機後按 f8 就會出現進入 safe mode 的選擇了。呢個 mode 又於只係執行最基本的程序和功能,唔適合日常使用的。咁點解要有呢個 mode 呢,因為 windows 好多時會抄機,例如中了毒,安裝了有問題的軟件或 drive,令個 windows 好唔穩定,甚至入唔到 windows。而 safe mode 由於只係執行最基本的服務,往往響你無法正常啟用 windows 時,仍然能夠入 safe mode 救機,例如 baclup 返晒重要的 data,刪除有問題的軟件或 drive,而且響呢個 mode 之下掃讀就會更加徹底 (因為連病毒都唔執行)。

2008-11-08 19:32:07 補充:
真可惜,遲過戴計君 50 秒才完成回答 :)
參考: 個人經驗,常幫朋友整電腦掃毒
2008-11-09 6:19 am
in pc starting, you can press F8(press many times or pressing)
then will show the list with dos(white and black text) mode.
in the list, you can choose safe mode or safe mode(with net)

safe mode is load system base dll only, no more application dll is loaded.
(also, it stop the "auto run application" in starting)
so that the virus must not run in starting, then make the remove easily.
(it is one of use)

2008-11-09 3:31 am
safe mode係一種入電腦既安全模式
用windoes xp 既人可以係開機禁f8
就會進入safe mode

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