
2008-11-08 10:26 pm
Ms. XXX (Director) was going to sit down and discuss the office move etc. with you personally rather than you finding out like that. My apologies!

香港office , 我上司一職暫時仍時未請人, 所以我地所有事都同 UK office 聯絡.

但, 唔該咁多位, 我的英文理解了唔係太好, 今天收到英國 head office email, Director' assistant 咁樣寫, 係未即係有可能 Director 來到香港會同我傾炒我既問題?

唉, 出面又不景氣, 度度都好似有裁員, 而家輪到我擔心呢.

回答 (2)

2008-11-08 11:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It doesn't say the director is going to fire you in this email as I can see.

Good luck to you!

2008-11-08 15:52:42 補充:
The director means she wants to dicuss the office move with you. You do not need to find out
what will happen by yourself.
It means she will tell you the answer later.

2008-11-08 15:52:49 補充:
About" my apologies", I need more contents to judge.
Acoording to these few sentences, I pressume perhaps you or your co-workers
sent her a letter previously asking her if she would fire anyone in the company.

2008-11-08 15:54:49 補充:
if so, she said sorry about causing you guys to worry .
Anyway, I will have to see more of this email in order to tell you more.
2008-11-09 9:38 am
what is what is right la. You don't worry la, ok?

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