what is epic?????

2008-11-08 6:23 pm
can anybody tell me what is epic????

can anybody tell me what is epic????

can anybody tell me what is epic????

回答 (1)

2008-11-08 7:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
haha. I think you came across this word when you are having your english lesson at school. EPIC NOVEL, right? Are you using the Exam skills now Paper?

1. 史詩,敘事詩
an epic of ancient Greece


2. 史詩般的作品
That movie was an epic about the Roman Empire.


1. 史詩的,敘事詩的
2. 英雄的;壯麗的
The landing on the moon in 1969 was an epic achievement.


This is the english explanation of EPIC.

1. LONG NARRATIVE(記敘文;故事) poem: a lengthy narrative poem in elevated language celebrating the adventures and achievements of a legendary or traditional hero,

e.g. Homer's Odyssey

Hope all these can help:)
參考: myself. online dictionary.

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