Which sentence is the best?

2008-11-08 5:19 pm
Which sentence is the best? (with explanation)
1. It's a doubt why doesn't the Environment Department take the same measure?
2. It is a doubt why does not the Environment Department take the same measure?
3. It is a doubt why does the Environment Department not take the same measure?

回答 (5)

2008-11-08 10:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would like to express my views here.
Please allow me to say two things about your sentences.
1) Your sentences should be statements, not question forms.
2) " It is a doubt" is more like Chinese to me.
May I change your sentence like these?---------------

- It is uncertain why the Environment Department does not take the same measure.
- It is unclear why the Environment Department does not take the same measure.
" The environment department" can be written as " The department of environment" too.
Hope it helps
PS: I even asked my mom about it for you.
( She is a pure aged British lady.)
Until then, bye for now.
2008-11-12 5:07 pm
謝謝 ballerina 網友之意見!
2008-11-12 6:01 am

試猜樓主是想講出「 the Environment Department does not take the same measure」找不到其原因,而感到一些「奇怪」,「懊惱」,「不明白」意思。

如是,doubt 是適用的。Even 用It is doubtful都是正確。doubt or doubtful 可用於以下的句子:

It is doubtful that the short and skiny girl could kill the 6 ft tall man who weighed 85 kilograms.

2008-11-11 22:01:23 補充:

We are puzzled that the Environment.....
We do not understand why the Environment ...
We are surprised that the Environment....
2008-11-08 9:31 pm
I think that sentense one is the best because it represents a negative question.
2008-11-08 5:58 pm
不過呢d要視乎你用係邊度,(1)就係適用於1d informal letter 個度
參考: me

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