Some Physics Questions

2008-11-08 3:53 am
Explain the questions.

1. Which of the following can increase the strength of the electromagnet?
(1) Use a.c. current instead of d.c. current.
(2) Decrease the resistance of the rheostat.
(3) Increase the voltage of the battery.

2. Comment on the statements:
(1) The bell does not work if the spring is made of copper.
(2) The bell does not work if the polarities of the battery are reversed.

For Q.1, the diagram is about the solenoid and a varying resistance in a electric circuit. For Q.2, the description is "A student designs a simple door bell. When switch is pressed and then released, two notes "ding-ding" are heard. The spring is made of iron.


ferritic, what does it mean?

回答 (2)

2008-11-16 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Just increase the voltage and the strenght of the electro-magnet will
increase. The magnetic force is somewhat related to the magnitude of the

2. Copper is not a ferritic material and it will not respond to the
magnet; also it has a different pitch from iron when struck
2008-11-08 6:56 pm
There should be some description or diagram associated with your two questions. Without such information, how could you expect others to answer your questions.

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