more careful 可唔可以寫成more carefully

2008-11-08 2:45 am
more careful more carefully 兩者相唔相同嫁?

回答 (4)

2008-11-08 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案

例子: Peter should be more careful
More careful 喺用來形容 Peter

例子 Peter should do the work more carefully
More carefully 喺用來形容 do the work

Peter should be more carefully
Peter should do the work more careful
2016-12-10 11:21 pm
More Careful
2008-11-08 10:36 am
You need to be more careful.

You should have done this more carefully.
2008-11-08 4:03 am
MORE CAREFUL ( adjective) -----------> PEOPLE
MORE CAREFULLY( adverb)--------------> ACTIONS

1) I broke your toy . I will be more careful( I <--- human) in the future.
2) I got this question in my maths exam. I will do it more carefully
in the future.
TO DO IT( THE ACTION) more carefully( adverb).

more Carefully = adverb = 更小心謹慎地Careful = adjective = 更小心的
They are two different words.
That's it.

2008-11-07 20:04:42 補充:
2) I got this question wrong in my maths exam. I will do it more carefully

in the future. **********************

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