緊急!!!!!!!!!!! computer 問題

2008-11-07 7:39 pm
英文來的:mary wants to buy a new mobile phone.She considers buying either an IpHONe or a Google phone. Please give her some suggestions by telling her some features about the two different phone

回答 (1)

2008-11-16 9:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I suggest he to look at these 2 website to understand more about the phone
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iphone - iPhone
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_phone - google phone

I would suggest the iphone, because it support more software and apple have a very good support group. Google phone is made by HTC, but the operation system is not window mobile, so i don't suggest it. Since the iphone have 3G, it's pretty much don't have any bad thing about it.
But it really depend on what's her preferences, if she want to have a keyboard to type and use it on business, get the google phone. if she like to listen to mp3 and more fun application, get the iphone
參考: I use to own an iphone, and now using HTC Tytn II; Wiki

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