
2008-11-07 6:12 pm
Which of the following is a polynomial?
i. x^-3 +2x^-2 -1
ii. t^3 +3
iii. -3s^4 +s^2 -2x +4
Ans: ii, iii

我想問其實polynomial ge定義係咩? 請簡單d講
同埋why (i) is wrong?

回答 (3)

2008-11-08 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Polynomial is contructed from variables with non-negative whole number exponents and constants with addition, subtraction & multiplication operations.

For example of polymomial : 2x^3, x-7, 16x^5-17ab+16, -7, 0

For example of non-polynomial : x^-4+7 ( negative whole number exponent ) & 3ab^3/4 ( non whole number exponent ) ...etc

examples of monomial : 2x, 2x^2, 7, -4 ....( one term )
examples of binomial : 2x+1, -4a^2-ab, x^2b+b^2x ....( two terms )
example of trinomial : x^4-zb+17, a^4b^2-b^5+4.... ( three terms )

Monomial, binomial & trinomial are polynomial.

Ans (i) is wrong because x^-3 & 2x^-2 are not monomials with negative exponent respectively ( i.e. -3 & -2 ).

2008-11-07 16:32:13 補充:
Polynomial is constructed ...
2008-11-08 12:57 am
簡單咁講,一個polynomial係由一D變數(例如x, y, z, etc.)同埋佢地既power組成,而呢D power一定要係非負整數先得。

例如,常數, x, x^2, x^3……呢D就係非負整數既power。
而x^1/2, x^1/3, x^-1, x^-2……呢D就唔係非負整數。
參考: ME
2008-11-07 6:40 pm
polynomial-3 or more terms(x, x^2, 4...etc) add or subtract together
the variable (x,n,s,y...etc) cannot have a negative exponent (s^-3) and it cannot be a denominator(1/x)

(i) is wrong because it has a negative exponent----> x^-3

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