
2008-11-07 5:46 pm
我係男仔,話說我個隊足球隊多左個女仔,我第1次見佢就鐘意左佢,..我唔敢同佢講(因為佢係鬼妹,我喺加拿大讀書,我地會一齊比賽一齊練波等等), 所以我希望借christmas 送份禮物比佢同埋比佢知道其實我鐘意佢. 我叫你地幫我轉做英文係因為我驚我錯gramma錯文法等等..有勞有勞.如果各位覺得我依篇野有咩可以改善..請幫我改改佢....


merry christmas, 可能你會覺得好奇怪,我同你唔係好熟, 但係點解會送XMAS禮物比你, 坦白講, 其實自從我第一次見你之後,我就愛上了你, 我真係時時刻刻都諗起你, 每一日都想快d到足球比賽既日子, 因為可以見到你,依兩個月,我比以前努力左好多去學英文,因為我知道,如果我英文好d..我會更加識去表達我對你既愛.可能你會覺得我講笑,,但係我係我想講我係認真的..我知道好似你咁靚既女仔.都應該有男朋友.OR一定有好多比我好好多既人追.....所以我寫依封信唔係想令你去鐘意我.只係想你知道我鐘意你..我只係想你記得我..

點都好啦..MERRY CHRISTMAS祝你日日都開開心心.


回答 (8)

2008-11-07 10:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Dear XXXX,

Merry Chirstmas to you! Maybe you would find this strange.
I have not known you for long , but I sent you an x'mas present. To be honest, sweetie, I loved you at first sight and
I do think about you every second of the day hoping that
the football match day will come soon so that I can see your lovely face again.
I have tried all my best to learn English for the past two months because I know if my English were better, I would know
how to express my love for you more.
Perhaps you would think that everything I said was a big joke, but I really mean what I say.
You are such a beautiful girl. I bet you should have a boyfriend or there are many guys after you.
I never expect you to like me and the reason why I am writing this is not I want you to try to love me.I just want you to know that I like you a lot and to remember me.
If you were frightened by this letter,I hope you would kindly
forgive me,sweetie.
If you think I am bothering you, do let me know and I will
leave you alone and if you think we could be friends,
would you give me your MSN id?
Whatever! Merry Chirstmas to you once again, sweetie.
Hope you will be happy every day!
Please write me back.
Bye for now.

A boy who admires you the most,
_________<--- Your name here.
2008-11-19 1:19 am
answerer 007 seems to talk sweet often ^_^

2008-11-19 10:22:38 補充:
but better use this version only when you're pretty sure the girl likes you too, or that may really "frighten" her.
2008-11-08 11:09 pm
merry christmas, you may feel strange, I am familiar with you are not good, but why would be sent to the Department of XMAS gift than you, frankly speaking, in fact, since the first time I see you, I fell in love with you, I really think all the time since you want to fast every day to the soccer competitions, d days, because you can see, according to two months, I left a lot of effort than before to learn English, because I know that if I am good in English d.. I will know more to express my love for you. I think you could say laugh, but I Department of the Department I would like to say I am .. I am serious

According to the letter if you are pro-threatened ... I hope you will forgive me .. If you find me pretty annoying to you than the words .. .. I know I will not bother again after you .. but I think the system if you can do to .. Friends than you can MSN me?? Points .. MERRY CHRISTMAS Well I wish you all day with light hearts.

2008-11-07 11:06 pm
Dear ABC,

Merry Christmas!You may feel a little strange that why would i be giving you this letter and the christmas present since we don't know each other really well. Honesly, I fell in love with you since the first time I saw you, and I have been thinking of you every moment(second/minute/most of the time). I couldn't wait till the soccer game where I could see you again. In this two months, I have been studying really hard to improve my english skills so that I could express my love to you better. You might think I am kidding(playing) around, but I am not. I am serious. Since you are pretty girl, I know that you might got a boyfriend already, or a lot of other people who are better than me that also like you. Therefore, I am writing this letter not because to make you like me, I just want to let you know that I like you, and want you to not forget me.

I apologize if this letter scared(shocked) you. If you think I am annoying, please let me know so that I will not annoy you(do this) again. But can you give me your msn if you think we can still be friends?

Anyway, Merry Christmas and hope you feel happy everyday.

2008-11-07 7:19 pm
Dear ABC,

Merry Christmas!

It may be a surprise for you to receive X’mas present from me since we are not close friends.

I want to be frank with you. Ever since the first time I saw you, I fell in love! You are in my mind all the time. Everyday I would be looking for the soccer competition day, since I would then see you!

In the past two months, I tried very hard to learn English, because I know I can better express my passion for you if my English is better. May be you will think I am just kidding, but I really want to let you know that I am very serious.

Of course as such a beautiful girl, you should already have a boy friend, or at least lots of people wanting to be your boy friend. Therefore when I am writing this letter to you, I do not expect that you will fall in love with me. I just want to let you know that I love you, and I hope you can just remember me for a moment sometimes….

If this letter scare you, I hope you will excuse me for being so frank. If you feel that I am disturbing you, please let me know, and then I will not bother you anymore.

But….if you think we can be friend, can you send me your msn account?

Anyway, I wish you happiness everyday!

Merry Christmas!

From XYZ
參考: Myself
2008-11-07 6:13 pm
Merry christmas, you will possibly think strangely, I with you will not be
good ripe, but will be Xie Hui gives the XMAS gift compared to you, will
say honestly, actually first time will see you after me, I fell in love with you, my real department have known all the time you, every on first thought quick d to the football competition already day, because might see you, according to two months, I compared to before left many studied English diligently
2008-11-07 6:04 pm
Merry christmas, you will possibly think strangely, I with you will not be
good ripe, but will be Xie Hui gives the XMAS gift compared to you, will
say honestly, actually first time will see you after me, I fell in love with you, my real department have known all the time you, every on first thought quick d to the football competition already day, because might see you, according to two months, I compared to before left many studied English diligently,
because I knew, if my English better. I will even more know express me
already to love to you. Possibly you will think me to make joke, but will be I
is I wants to speak me is earnest. I knew that seems you dresses up already
the girl. Should have boyfriend .OR certainly to have many pursues well
compared to my many already people .....Therefore I write according to seal the letter am not want to make you to go to clock Italy I. Is only thought that you know my clock Italy you. I only am thought that you remember me. If according to seals the letter to frighten kisses you…Hoped that you will forgive me. If you thought that I am tired to you. The words know compared to me. I later not bothersome again you. But is if you thought that I may be the friend. May compared to your MSN I?? Good. .MERRY CHRISTMAS wishes you daily happily.

2008-11-07 5:52 pm
如果個女仔係鍾意你既... 少少既grammar錯處可能會視之為可愛
況且... 佢應該唔會... 幫你圈出你既grammar, 俾你發回重改?!?!
加油啦~ =]

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