手細彈唔彈到 Debussy - La Plus que Lente ?

2008-11-07 7:45 am

Debussy - La Plus que Lente 呢首樂曲呢 ?

回答 (3)

2008-11-08 7:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
你可以用pedal 幫下你手ge,, 一d超過8度ge音,, 踩住pedal,, 手指公禁第一個音,, 然後即刻用手指尾跳過去禁第二個音,, 咁個音聽起上泥會好似一齊彈咁,, 咁就可以解決到呢個問題,, 而呢個解決辦法亦都可以用係所有由浪漫派時代開始ge歌曲(包括考試歌),, 因為果個時候已經有pedal 出現,, 但係唔可以用係巴洛克時代ge 歌,, 因為果時ge 琴未有pedal,, 唔好畫蛇添足加pedal 落去,,考試ge 話會扣分架!!!!
參考: 我自己(考試歌都有咁ge 問題)
2008-11-09 6:07 am
probably can, but you will play it tougher.
Anyway, you can use the another hand and pedals to help you......
參考: me
2008-11-07 8:37 pm
u can use your another hand to help u reach the notes thats what my teacher teach me

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