F.4 English (Passive)

2008-11-07 7:07 am
F.4 English (Passive)

What is personal construction and Impersonal construction? What is the different? How to use it?

Have something done
We use have+object+ pp. to say that we have arranged for someone to do something for us.

What is it? How to use (have something done)

Tomorrow test ar!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (1)

2008-11-07 9:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Personal Passive
When we put an object of an active sentence into passive, it becomes subject of the passive sentence.
Active voice:
The professor explained the students the exercise.
The professor explained the exercise to the students.
Passive voice:
The students were explained the exercise.
The exercise was explained to the students.
We sometimes use a pronoun for "the students" or "the exercise" in its subject form (here: they/it).
Passive voice:
They were explained the exercise.
It was explained to the students.
We very often leave out the by-agent in the passive sentence (here: by the professor).
2. Impersonal Passive - It is said ...
The phrase It is said ... is an impersonal passive construction. We often use it in news.
Passive sentence - version 1:
It is said that children are afraid of ghosts.
Passive sentence - version 2:
Children are said to be afraid of ghosts.
The correct active sentence would be:
Active sentence: People say that children are afraid of ghosts.
Here is your question:
Have something done
We use have object pp. to say that we have arranged for someone to do something for us.<----------------Your question here.
1) My radio is broken. I am going to * HAVE IT FIXED".
( I am going to ask someone to fix my radio for me. You are not the one who will fix it.)
2) Did you do your homework by yourself or did you have it done somewhere?
" Have it done" here means You asked someone to do it for you.

Have+ your homework(it) + done( passive) by someone.

Hope you understand it more .
Good luck with your test.

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