英式口音一問~~~~~ 入黎~~

男仔講英文係英式口音好型好好聽, 但你地覺得如果係女仔既話係米好似勁作撞咁? (我個人覺得係..)
同埋英式口音係米真係要好地道先會聽得出係外國口音? 因為佢冇美式咁易聽得出~~ (同埋順便想問埋英式口音讀r係米完全唔會捲舌, thanks)

"話係米好似勁作撞咁?" 你冇野呀, 你點睇字架, 全句 = [ 但你地覺得如果係女仔既話係米好似勁作撞咁? ] 我譯做書面語俾你睇. [ 但你們覺得如果是女子的話, 是否會好像很裝模作樣的樣子? ] 你低低地, 將前句尾字同後句一齊睇 = = 仲話人地中文差 同埋我唔覺"口音好型好好聽" 呢句有咩問題喎 Do you know how to speak Cantonese!!??? 話人講野what the hell, 收皮啦, 自己睇錯野又話人


whatiswhat24, thanks for providing the information! but for "但你地覺得如果係女仔既話係米好似勁作撞咁?" I meant do people think pure a British women's accent sounds weird and fake? perhaps you don't think so because your mother is.. but I want to know do the others think so..


sorry typed wrongly =3= should be "I meant do people think a pure British women's accent sounds weird and fake?"

回答 (2)

2008-11-07 9:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
同埋英式口音係米真係要好地道先會聽得出係外國口音? 因為佢冇美式咁易聽得出~~ (同埋順便想問埋英式口音讀r係米完全唔會捲舌, thanks)
I don't think a local Chinese is able to fool a pure Brit with his
what we call " fake British accent"..About Chinese girls imitating British accents, I feel the same way too-:)
They just act to speak like a Brit with a weird accent.
Anyway I think we are what we are, we really do not need to
imitate any accents.For some people,they just think that
it is cool to imitate a specific accent. It is what they like and I have no say about it.

I asked my Mom about the r sound.
She says the British do not put emphasis on some words like
lateR, waiteR, but they do roll their tongues to sound the letter R in words like " read", " red". "wRong" and then so on.
By the way, my mom is a pure British woman.
PS: Some people just like pissing others off. You may just ignore them. ^_^
Hope it helps.
Until next time, bye for now

2008-11-07 22:12:09 補充:
To clear your doubts, I am afraid that you would have to do a survey or something. ^_^
2008-11-07 6:56 am
not a clue what you mumbling on about !? think you need to improve your Chinese first .heehee !!
"話係米好似勁作撞咁?" ." 口音好型好好聽"... what the hell all that mean ??!! ^_^

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