
2008-11-07 6:16 am
Part 1:Change the following sentences into YES-NO QUESTIONS.

1.I like playing football.

2.Mary and John go to see a movie.

3.Sam's favourite fruit is orange.

4.Katherine goes home for dinner.

5.All the classmates are my friends.

6.Maggie went to the zoo yesterday.

7.John and Peter swam in the pool.

8.Sarah will start primary school next year.

9.Nomad forgot to do his homework.

10.Nancy will change her decision.

Part 2:Change the following sentences into questions as instructed.

1.Miss Cheung punishes Connie.(Use Why.)

2.John gets up at 7'c clock.(Use When.)

3.Peter and May go to play football.(Use Who.)

4.Brenda buys much clothes.(Use What.)

5.The ruler is 20cm long.(Use How.)

回答 (2)

2008-11-10 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案

Part 1:Change the following sentences into YES-NO QUESTIONS.
1.I like playing football.
What do you like to play?
2.Mary and John go to see a movie.
Where do Mary and John go?
3.Sam's favourite fruit is orange.
What is Sam's favourite fruit?
4.Katherine goes home for dinner.
Why does Katherine go home?
5.All the classmates are my friends.
Who are your friends?
6.Maggie went to the zoo yesterday.
Where did Maggie go yesterday?
7.John and Peter swam in the pool.
Who swam in the pool?
8.Sarah will start primary school next year.
When will Sarah start primary school?
9.Nomad forgot to do his homework.
What did Nomad forget ?
10.Nancy will change her decision.
What will Nancy change?

Part 2:Change the following sentences into questions as instructed.
1.Miss Cheung punishes Connie.(Use Why.)
Why does Miss Cheung punish Connie?
2.John gets up at 7'c clock.(Use When.)
When does John get up?
3.Peter and May go to play football.(Use Who.)
Who go to play football?

4.Brenda buys much clothes.(Use What.)
What does Brenda buy?
5.The ruler is 20cm long.(Use How.)
How long is the ruler?


2008-11-10 22:54:01 補充:
Opps! I made one mistake there! :(
Never mind:)
I cannot tell which one anyway.
2008-11-07 6:44 am
Part 1:Change the following sentences into YES-NO QUESTIONS.

1.I don't like playing football.

2.Mary and John don't go to see a movie.

3.Sam's favourite fruit isn't orange.

4.Katherine doesn't go home for dinner.

5.All the classmates aren't my friends.

6.Maggie didn't go to the zoo yesterday.

7.John and Peter didn't swim in the pool.

8.Sarah will not start primary school next year.

9.Nomad didn't forget to do his homework.

10.Nancy will not change her decision.

Part 2:Change the following sentences into questions as instructed.

1.Why does Miss Cheung punish Connie?

2.When do John get up?

3.Who go to play football with Peter(or May)?

4.What does Brenda buy?

5.How long is the ruler?

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