英文問題 .... 唔知點o係題目寫好 .....

2008-11-07 2:56 am
spoken english 中, " 我畀左你喇 " 應該點講 ?
真係要 " i have already given it to you " 咁長 ?
有無 d 簡單 d o既 ?
有次聽到位 big 4 中層講 : " i already give you ", 咁得唔得 ?

如果問題中, 係現在式, 而又唔知 subject 人數, 咁應唔應該o係 main verb 加 s ?
例如問人 : " 邊個同你去睇戲 ? " (唔知有幾多人)
應該係 " who goes cinema with you ? "
抑或係 " who go cinema with you ? "
抑或兩者都得 ?


回答 (5)

2008-11-09 7:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. the most simple is ........ {I gave u}. of cos u can use {I already give you}, ppl also understand but it is not really true in tense. {I have already given it to you} is right, but too long in the conversation.
2. u can use {who goes/go to the cinema with you?} they are all right.
in the English conversation, the more simply is the best. have fun!
參考: living in USA
2008-11-08 3:06 pm
1. I gave it to you already.

2. Who is going to the cinema with you?

This is Canadian English.
2008-11-07 11:34 pm
spoken english 中, " 我畀左你喇 " 應該點講 ?
真係要 " i have already given it to you " 咁長 ?
有無 d 簡單 d o既 ?
有次聽到位 big 4 中層講 : " i already give you ", 咁得唔得 ?
Ans: " I already give you ." <-----------Incorrect tense here.
"You have already given something to someone"<------It indicates
you have done .
******We should use" Present perfect tense" or " simple past tense", but NOT " present tense".
真係要 " i have already given it to you " 咁長 ?
有無 d 簡單 d o既 ?

" I already gave you that." would be the shortest. ( only five words.)
" that" = " the thing"
如果問題中, 係現在式, 而又唔知 subject 人數, 咁應唔應該o係 main verb 加 s ?
例如問人 : " 邊個同你去睇戲 ? " (唔知有幾多人)
應該係 " who goes cinema with you ? "
抑或係 " who go cinema with you ? "
抑或兩者都得 ?

Ans: It should be " go TO THE cinema".
( go TO Japan)
( go TO the toilet) <---------We have to use" to" to link up an object
or a place .
Who IS GOING TO the cinema with you?( singular)
Who GOES to the cinema with you?( Singular)
Who would go to the cinema with you?(唔知有幾多人)

Who will go to the cinema with you?(唔知有幾多人)
Who go to the cinema with you?(唔知有幾多人)

2008-11-07 3:27 am
" 我畀左你喇 "
你寫的那一句 " i already give you. "
應該要話 "I"ve given you alrady." (有already就要張字變做過去分詞)
都可以話 "I gave it to you."

" 邊個同你去睇戲 ? "
應該要問: "who is going with you to the cinema?"
都可以寫: "who else is going to the cinma with you?"

參考: 自己在國外讀書
2008-11-07 2:59 am

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