英文 聽吳明,,,,,,,,,需要翻譯(urgent)

2008-11-06 6:47 pm
由i do think her really did hold back之後..............就聽不明了...............嗚~~~~
用英文subtitle 的形式 .....


回答 (2)

2008-11-08 10:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is very long..... and I managed to complete most of it, please refer to the below and hopefully it helps.

I really think I did hold back, but I was really worried about saying the wrong thing because I am so used to put my feet into it or getting into trouble. I just didn't want to do it as it meant so much to me.

"You seemed so confident"

Hm... I want to let the singing do the talking and I just, you know, didn't want to say anything wrong and I just wanted to sing, really.

"But youhave given up your job?"


"So what are you going to do now?"

Hm... hopefully, sing. Anybody out there? I am available.

"I supposed really when you were there with the crew, you have made contacts, haven't you? Do you think you have met any useful contacts on the show?"

I met a great group of people and I had the best time. I really enjoyed it and I don't think I have met the right contacts as yet. I hope that over the next group of people definitely. I am completely ready to go.

"Oh, Hannah, we wish you every luck in the world......"
2008-11-08 10:43 am
but I was really worry about saying the wrong thing cause I'm so used to. I shouldn't have been putting my feet into it or getting into trouble. I just really don't want to do it cause it means too much to me. (You seem to be confident) I want to let my singing do the talking and I just you know I just didn't wanna say anything wrong I just ah I just wanna to sing really ( but you've given up your job ) Yea ( So what are you going to do now? )ah hopefully sing.....

enough? The British accent is hard for me. May not be correct 90%

2008-11-08 02:44:58 補充:
means too much to me-->means so much to me

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