chem volume questions?

2008-11-06 2:28 am
the density of a 50% solution of NaOH is 1.525 g/ml. What volume of a solution that is 50% by weight NaOH is required to make 1 Liter of 0.15M NaOH solution.

回答 (1)

2008-11-06 12:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
50 x 1525 / 100 = 762.5 g/L
762.5 g/L / 40 g/mol =19.1 M ( concentration 1st solution)

19.1 V = 0.15 x 1 L

V = 0.00785 L >> 7.85 mL

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 13:34:17
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