Urgent! Maths Lesson Plan for 2-3 years old?

2008-11-06 1:20 am
Urgent! Maths Lesson Plan for 2-3 years old?

Plan a practical 10 minute maths lesson for a small group of 2/3 year
olds. Our theme is BUGS.
Tell us the activity. Your aim for the activity and how you will present
it, evaluate it

回答 (11)

2008-11-06 8:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Red Bugs Yellow Bugs ratio 3:5 some have two black spots some have three black spots. Sort according to colour and number of spots. From there you can make the sorting tasks more complex, But PLEEZE make it a fun game!
2008-11-07 5:24 pm
Have a variation of bugs-ones with wings, ones with 6 legs, ones with 8 (spiders), different coloured bugs etc...

get children to sort them either by type, by colour, by amount of legs, by size etc depending on the level of the child.

This is problems solving, reasoning and numeracy (maths) and goes towards 'numbers for counting' and also 'calculating'. You can make it harder by asking them to count how many in each bowl-ask how to make bowls have the same number etc.

Then you can take further by labelling bowls with numbers so they have numerals to look at too.

2008-11-06 2:16 am
You can introduce diffrent types of bugs, and then ask them which one is their favorite. Then you can make a graph or average thing. The options could be Ants, Ladybugs, Butterflies, Worms and Grasshoppers. As they say which one they like, draw it in front of them. You could even give them little pre-labeled graphs to do it themselves along with you.
2008-11-06 2:11 am
lee j, a baby starts picking up 'math' concepts between 4-6 months!
參考: http://www.earlychildhoodnews.com/ check out classroom ideas.
2008-11-06 2:08 am
Make lady bugs and have them count the dots on the bugs
Buy mini erasers of bugs and have them sort the bugs
2008-11-06 1:34 am
How about making a big picture of a few of different types of "bugs"

Get the kids to count the number of bugs, the number of wings on bugs, number of legs etc.

Evaluation is based on
- can the kids count the number of different bugs they see
- can they count the number of wings on each bug
- can they count the number of legs on each bug

2008-11-06 1:30 am
You're teaching mathematics to 2-3 year olds? What on Earth for? Why don't you let little ones be little ones for a while?

They're more than busy enough trying to learn hugely complex tasks like social interaction and communication. Crikey! Lighten up a bit.
2016-04-04 6:53 pm
get real bugs and have the children chart their favorite bug in large group. Have them group plastic bugs by color, size, type (wings, no wings) Have them talk about which is largest, smallest, heaviest, lightest etc. Get a scale and weigh the bugs, a ruler or unfix cubes and measure them. There are so many possibilities and remember NO DITTOS! These are developmentally appropriate. CHildren need hands on and for the most part the real thing to touch. They need to use their 5 senses. Dittos are what parents want but do not allow children to explore and learn in the best way. Let the children have FUN!
2008-11-08 4:33 pm
i teach this age group of children. i normally start with a counting song song such as 5 little speckled frogs, then you could get the children to find the plastic bugs hidden in the sand tray and count them. finally you can sort them into groups and count each group of bugs.

hope this helps!
2008-11-06 3:24 pm
Get those little plastic bugs.
Have the children match the bugs to ones on cards. like 1 card may have a 2 written on it and two xeroxed bugs- have them put two bugs on the card.etc... This has to be done in a small group. the aim is 1 on1 correspondence.
another is they can take the bugs and sort them according to attributes. spiders in one pile, worms in another,
the aim is grouping items/ alike and different.

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