What if you were wrong about Obama?

2008-11-05 9:43 am
I voted for McCain because I am so sure obama has some conspiracy going on because he is able to win despite such lack of experience. What if you guys who voted for him were wrong? Would you hit yourself like those who put bush to office twice?

the first few people who answered this question clearly voted for obama and they did not answer my question rationally rather emotionally calling me names. please if you are old enough to vote please justify your decision and answer maturely

回答 (13)

2008-11-05 9:58 am
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Don't worry. we can vote again. Just like before.
2008-11-05 9:48 am
If we're wrong, we'll vote for someone else in 2012.
2008-11-05 9:48 am
Obama has NO secret agenda whatsoever. Had you read the autobiographical book he wrote 14 years ago, you'd understand how silly your conspiracy theory is. Anyway, you'll get to see the light for yourself soon and understand how wrong you are.
2008-11-05 9:46 am
If I thought I was wrong I wouldn't have voted for him. Just move on with your life.
2008-11-05 10:06 am
If the American people were wrong then the president of the US in 2012 will be a republican. That is pretty much how it works.

The majority of American whites and blacks and the various other ethnics groups voted for Obama and if we are wrong then we are wrong.

But maybe just maybe he might do a great job maybe just maybe his approval rating will be high and maybe just maybe people might have that "good feel" feeling about our Country like when FDR was President and how the world see us.

So my quesition to you if What if you were wrong about Obama?
2008-11-05 9:50 am
If I was wrong, and Obama turns out to be a horrible President, that would definitely suck. But I felt that I took a small but necessary chance in voting for him. You know what you'd be getting with McCain- however you slice it, it'd be more of the same. But with Obama, even though I don't necessarily like everything he's done (FISA, bailout,) I knew that there'd be a far, far greater chance that he would actually make executive changes than McCain. Yes, there's a chance he could fail, but that means that there's also a large chance that he will not. And to me (and millions of others,) the possibility of that success was more important than voting for another four years of assured disappointment.

Also, this means that Palin does not get to go anywhere near our nation's nuclear stockpile. Which, really, is a blessing for everyone.
2008-11-05 9:51 am
Either way it's bad, if he does the opposite of what I what he says, he's a liar, if he does what he says, then we are screwed because it's failed before in history.
2008-11-05 9:47 am
What if Tom Cruise turns out to be a space alien bent on world domination? Would you hit yourself for having watched his movies and contributed financially to his plan?
2008-11-05 10:01 am
i'm interesting in this question and how peoples react to this, i'll come back and see again.ALL the best..
2008-11-05 9:54 am
if he does as bad a job as bush did, we probably will hit ourselves. In all honesty your question is a what if, there is not really a straightforward answer to a what if question.

Now, the election process is something done by a majority and the majority of people voted for obama. If he is so dangerous for the country, why would so many people vote for him. Maybe we shouldnt leave the fate of the country in the hands of the masses, perhaps only 3 or 4 people should be making these kinds of decisions instead of everyone who can vote.

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