Do you think God is happy with America after the election?

2008-11-05 9:32 am
I personally think God was/is mad at us(the country). Not too many good things have happened for quite awhile in this country. Seems like ever since they took God out of schools, all the school shootings had started. I don't know. Do you think this is a good step?

Whether you believe in God or not, you have to admit, we have been straying away from the way this country was founded. I think there is a new love inside people's hearts, from what I have seen--even before this recent election. I don't think it's going to go away either. Obama seems to reignite that fire every time he speaks. I think God wants us to be smiling and caring for each other---Democrats and Republicans, and including all the other people Obama had mentioned in his speech.

I never said He played a part in the election!!! That's like praying to God to give you cards at the casino. Read again.


We're not forced to do abortion!!!!!!!! That is our choice- 99% of the time!!!!!!!!!!! We all have a choice.

回答 (6)

2008-11-05 9:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
i dont know but the founding fathers are spinning in thier grave.
2008-11-05 5:36 pm
I'm sure God is thrilled partial birth abortion will be brought back.
2008-11-05 5:36 pm
I dont think God plays a part in our elections. He lets us decide

Not to mention, I doubt he would favor a pro abortionist winning if that were the case
2008-11-05 5:39 pm
Please pray for it.
2008-11-05 5:49 pm
Yes, I think Obama is very happy with America after the election.
2008-11-05 5:40 pm
god? are you talking about the fairy tale?

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