Osmosis and active transport

2008-11-06 5:32 am
In a test paper, there is a question asking: which type of transport is involved in the net movement of molecules from low concentration to high concentration? The answer is active transport.

Why? If the word " molecules " refer to the solvent ones, then osmosis is the answer. In this sentence, that word obviously refer to either the solvent or solute molecules, perhaps even both of them. So what do you think? Which is correct? Please give reasons.

Low concentration here although means the solute concentration is low, and same as the another one, the molecules can be either solute of solvent. "只有active transport先係molecules由low con.去high con. "


Why? Higher conctration = low water potential, low concentration = high water potential. If you substitude, then osmosis 先係molecules由high water potential去low water potential.


So you are saying that water is not any molecule? H2O is a molecule.


IF you ever studied chemistry you should know that water is a type of molecules.


water molecule is molecule

回答 (6)

2009-05-30 4:06 pm
Osmosis is only for the water molecule
2008-11-09 5:22 am
high water potential 可以話係 high concentration of water molecules

low water potential 可以話係 low concentration of water molecules

咁樣等於osmosis可以high concentration去 low concentration
2008-11-07 6:33 am
The answer Active transport is correct
because osmosis refers to the movement of

when the question is asking for the movement of molecule........
then osmosis must NOT be the correct answer

then the remaining two : difffusion and active transport refers to the movement of molecule instead of water

diffusion --> high to low conc.
active transport --> low to high conc.

For active transport
the molecule move from low conc. to high conc.
so that is the correct answer
參考: me
2008-11-07 1:34 am
osmosis係 high water potential去low water potential
點解唔可以low concentration去 high concentration?
high water potential唔係等於low concentration?
2008-11-06 3:15 pm
2008-11-06 5:47 am
active transport係無錯的.
因為osmosis係 water molecules從high water potnetial去到low water potential既region
而唔係solvent 既 molecules由低concentration既region 走去 high concentration 既 region
題目問你net movement of molecules
只有active transport先係molecules由low con.去high con.

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