新手買車 (Corolla , Mazda 3 , Civic ) & 車牌問題

2008-11-06 4:18 am

1) 而家係澳洲讀書, 要咩手續先可以係澳洲揸車?????

2) 因為澳元低所以想買架50000公里內06,07年左右的二手車, 睇中 (Corolla十代 , Mazda 3 , Civic八代) 但吾知邊款好?

又有人話civic 易壞....要成日整

可以從 "實用性" , "操控性" 同 "慳油" 呢幾方面比D意見我嘛?

thx all ~

澳洲揸車手續 <<< 係咪用HK係加國際牌 就可以係澳洲揸車? 仲要吾要再考多次試?

回答 (2)

2008-11-06 4:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am not try to get point from your question because I don't know 澳洲揸車手續. All I want to let you know that I am driving a civic 1993 with 150 millage, and it works prefectly fine. I have been driving the same car for the last time 8 yrs, and there is no major issues of my car. Personally, I think Honda civic 2006+ has 好款 than Corella. However, Mazda won't be the best choice for you if you are looking for a car which isn't 易壞. I hope it helps. ^__^
2008-11-06 9:00 pm
咁姐係civic八代吾易壞? 比多D意見我....thx

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