English(persuasive counterargument)10點

2008-11-05 10:12 pm
我要下面6題pro同con...at least 3 each

1. Professional athletes are grossly overpaid.
2. There is no such thing as a justifiable war.
3. Scientists should have be allower to experiment with human cloning.
4. Both young women and men should register for military service.
5. Immigrants to Canada should be required to learn and speak English.
6. Repeat drunk drivers should lose their driver's licenses.

Thanks a lot

回答 (1)

2008-11-20 9:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hope the following points help:Professional athletes are grossly overpaid?Pros:Athletes being overpaid is a sign of consumerism.The billions of dollars that athlete clubs and advertisers spend are at the expense of consumers in the end (e.g. the Nike you bought might be cheaper if not giving athletes so much for advertising).Meaning of sports may be distorted. Why are we playing sports? For money & fame? Or good health? Cons:They're also superstars (i.e. if Hollywood film stars are not overpaid, they are not either).Let the FREE market decide (i.e. athlete clubs and advertisers pay them how much they really deserve).They all have worked very hard before being on top people of the world (maybe they have to sacrifice much more than film stars).There is no such thing as a justifiable war?Pros:All wars involve killing, and killing is wrong.Wars are often for self-interest, not for justice. (e.g. the US fought Iraq MAINLY for oil, not for democracy) Wars only accumulate hatred (i.e. even the people defeated surrender they tend to hate the invaders and would like to revenge, not to welcome them); never promote friendship. Cons:Not all sorts of killing is wrong (e.g. defending own country against enemies is not wrong at all).Starting a war may seem cruel, but sometimes tolerating aggressors may cause more tragedies (e.g. British appeasement policy before WWII indirectly caused Nazi Germany to invade other countries).Maybe true to say that most wars are out of someone's greed, but it's wrong to say ALL wars are not justifiable.

2008-11-20 13:14:30 補充:

... being top people of the world ....

Not all sorts of killing are wrong ...

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