What happen my office gold fish always die?
我同事剛在上星期bought 三條new gold fish.因為before die 了三條.But today have one gold fish die. I know their food is new. But after 4 days and they die. 我公司on each month the gold fish always die 4 time. each time will die one or two gold fish.
please help
do you think is 風水 or our office they can't 識應.
thanks for your help
回答 (3)
可能是不夠養氣和是水太污濁, 水要保持乾淨但每次換水時亦不可換多過一半, 因為小魚會不識應而死掉, 而魚糧亦是每天給牠少量就可以了
first of all....ur english is crap...
i suggest u to learn more english...
i'm 15 and my english is like...heaps better than u...OMG
so yer...
there is nothing about 風水 lor thank you...
probably the food u gave to the goldfish were not for gold fish...
so they died
and i dont understand whta do u mean by on each month the gold fish always die 4 time
so u r saying the goldfish has 4 lifes...and the goldfish died 4 times...Right??
so the goldfish will die like 48 times a year??!! LOLZ
Could it be your water is dirty (contaminated), therefore your office gold fish keep on dying?
收錄日期: 2021-04-26 13:48:41
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