
2008-11-05 8:23 am
海關發言人稱,在一個月前開始,管理公司陸續發現千盞射燈和部份電線被偷去,海關人員在西灣大橋監視時發現一隻艇有可疑,截查時發現艇上兩名江西青年均無入境證件,小艇沒有牌照和登記號碼, 調查人員又發現艇上有一批爆竊工具及鐵通及電線,兩名疑犯否認與過往偷射燈有關,現正深入偵查。

回答 (2)

2008-11-08 12:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The spokesperson of the Customs said that a management company has discovered since last month that thousands of spotlights and some electric cables were being stolen. Customs officers spotted a suspicious boat when surveying the Sai Van Bridge. When they intercepted the boat and searched it they found that the 2 Jiangxi youngsters on board did not have the necessary identity documents with them and that the boat did not have a license nor a registered number. The investigating personel also discovered that there were tools for the purpose of burglary, metal poles and eletrical cables on the boat. The two suspects denied being involved with the theft of the spotlights. The case is currently under investigation.
2008-11-05 8:37 am
Representation of Customs said" A month ago, The management company discovered some spot light and electrical wire were stolen. Customs Staff find a suspeded boat on Sai Wan Ho Bridge and they found there are too people withou identity certificate. There is no license and registration for boat. Investagator found there is a series of stealing tools, pipe and electrical wire on board. Two suspect reject that they stole any spot light and relative item. Deep investigation is under progress.

2008-11-05 00:38:17 補充:
suspected, investigator,

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