Is it OK to heat up milk in a microwave oven?

2008-11-05 2:07 am

I was told that the microwave will alter the chemistry inside the milk making it unsuitable for human consumption. Is this true?

回答 (3)

2008-11-05 2:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, that's not true! I heat my milk for hot chocolate in the micro all the time.=)
2008-11-05 2:14 am
no, you can heat milk up in the microwave just do it a little at a time so it doesnt curddle.
參考: my experience
2016-09-28 8:16 pm
Heating Milk In Microwave
2008-11-06 4:12 am
yes, it is ok!
i do it all the time! XD
2008-11-05 2:38 am
It is okay to heat milk in the microwave, but be careful not to overheat, as it may overflow.
2008-11-05 2:24 am
heat for 30 seconds, take out and stir, heat another 15 seconds-perfect
2008-11-05 2:16 am
psh.. yeah it's okay! you may want to keep an eye on it, so the milk doesnt bubble up and overflow! same with water!
參考: my experience too!
2008-11-05 2:15 am
dude it is so ok beside when i was sick my mom had a cup of milk put sugar in it and heated up it tasted so good
2008-11-05 2:26 am
No, you can heat it up in the micro. Just small amounts because other wise it will turn into cattage cheese.

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