
2008-11-05 7:19 am
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2008-11-08 9:37 pm
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My name is Ken . I am a Macanese . I have a father , mother , brother and a

lot of relatives .

( 我叫ken,是一位澳門人。我有一個爸爸,一個媽媽,一個哥哥和


When I was just a little boy , my relatives and me lived in the same village .

They always played with me and took photo with me , we were happy .

( 小時候,他們居住在鄉村中,經常和我玩,和我拍照。很開心,很


On May of two thousanda and four , my grandmother passed away .

My relativse were very sad . For a long time , they felt not sorrowfuler than

before .

( 二OO四年五月,我的祖母因病去世,大家都很傷心。隨著時間過


On Jane of two thousanda and six , I was graduation in my primary school .

On July , I studied at Kwong Tai Middle School Macau .First , I felt strange

but teachers used their ways to make me and my classmates ` s relation became

good . They also made me join some activities are no in primary school .

( 二OO六年六月,我小學畢業了,結束了6年的小學習階段。同年7




2008-11-08 13:43:29 補充:
如果你是在廣大中學就讀 , 你就應該寫Kwong Tai Middle School ;

如果你是在廣大中學(澳門)就讀 , 你就應該寫Kwong Tai Middle School Macau ,


2008-11-08 13:46:30 補充:


2008-11-08 15:43:20 補充:
請把第二段的my relatives and me lived in the same village 改成:

my relatives and I lived in the same village
參考: me(绝對不是用yahoo聰明筆打的!)
2008-11-07 6:26 am
I call ken, is Macao people. I have a daddy, a mother, an elder brother and a class of relative.   
In childhood, they lived in the village, played frequently with me, photographed with me. Very happy, very joyfully year after year.   Two OO four year in May, my grandmother died because of sickness, everybody was very sad. Passes along with the time, the relatives have accepted the fact which slowly the grandmother died.   
Two OO six year in June, my elementary school has graduated, has finished 6 year small learning phase. In July, the my first day goes study the general middle schools in the same year, is quite at first strange, but, in short one month, teacher makes us with theirs method henceforth to know that opposite party and is friendly, but also contacts in elementary school no activity.
2008-11-06 5:03 am
My name is ken, is Macao people. I have a daddy, a mother, an elder brother and a class of relative.
  In childhood, they lived in the village, played frequently with me, photographed with me. Very happy, very joyfully year after year.
  Two OO four year in May, my grandmother died because of sickness, everybody was very sad. Passes along with the time, the relatives have accepted the fact which slowly the grandmother died.
  Two OO six year in June, my elementary school has graduated, has finished 6 year small learning phase. In July, the my first day goes study the general middle schools in the same year, is quite at first strange, but, in short one month, teacher makes us with theirs method henceforth to know that opposite party and is friendly, but also contacts in elementary school no activity.

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