
2008-11-05 6:42 am
1974年4月25日,葡萄牙發生軍事政變,推翻薩拉查(Oliveira Salazar)建立的獨裁統治。民主新政權開始在非洲推行非殖民化政策,承認海外屬地民族自決和獨立的權利,但將澳門視為特殊地區。1976年,《澳門組織章程》和《葡萄牙共和國憲法》先後頒佈,承認澳門是葡管中國領土。這一政治法律地位,在1979年中葡建交時獲得中國的確認,中葡雙方達成諒解,在適當時候通過談判解決歷史遺留下來的澳門問題,澳門經濟社會也從此進入較快的發展期。


回答 (2)

2008-11-05 6:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
April 25, 1974, Portugal in a military coup to overthrow Salazar (Oliveira Salazar) to establish the dictatorship. The new democratic regime began in the implementation of the decolonization of Africa policy, recognize the Overseas Territories to self-determination and national independence, but Macau will be treated as a special area. In 1976, "the Articles of Association of Macao" and the "Constitution of the Republic of Portugal" has promulgated, the recognition of Macao is Chinese territory under Portuguese administration. The legal and political status in the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Portugal in 1979 when China confirmed that the two sides reached an understanding in due course through a negotiated settlement of the historical question of Macao, Macao's economy into the community from this period of rapid development.
參考: google
2008-11-05 8:13 am
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