
2008-11-05 6:15 am
frightened 是否一定跟 ed 尾

回答 (3)

2008-11-05 6:59 am
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frightening 及 frightened 都是 adjective

frighteing 用於指明該東西「令人驚慌」,frightened則表示該句子中的subject自己覺得驚慌。

eg: This is a frightening film. When I was watching it last night, I was frightened.



eg. The teacher is boring. (老師令人很沉悶,指的當然是他教得很悶,學生都睡著了。)

eg. The teacher is bored. (老師覺得很悶。在這個情況,是指老師自己無事可做,覺得很悶,是老師自己的感覺。不是指他教書教得悶。)
參考: 小學程度之英文
2008-11-05 9:24 am
frightened 是否一定跟 ed 尾 ?
When you use it as an adjective or in some tenses, that is a yes from me.
It was a strange place and I was frightened( adj).
Don't forget " frightening" is an adjective too.
The skeleton is so frightening( adj).( we use this adjective to talk about " the skeleton".)
" Frighten" can be used as a VERB too.
1) His scary mask is frightening me. ( Present continuous tense )
2) The ghost story frightened me to death.( simple past tense)
Note: To frighten me = to make me scared.
You may use " frighten" in the future tense as well.
Check out the following examples, please.
Here is a ghost story for you to read tonight.
I am sure ( that) it will( modal verb) frighten( verb) you to death.
I hope I've cleared your doubts.
Until then, bye for now.

2008-11-05 6:45 am
唔一定,,因為 frightened 係adjective
你可以add ing 係尾.
e.g. frightening (noun)
參考: me

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