
2008-11-05 6:08 am
English translater

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2008-11-06 3:23 am
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  大氣中的水汽含量隨緯度和時間也有變化,一般來說,緯度愈高,水汽含量愈少 ; 夏季的水汽含量大於冬季。大氣中的水汽含量雖不多,但它是天氣變化中的.一個重要角色,也是人氣中唯一能發生相變的成分。水汽的相變引起了雲、霧、雨、雪等一系列的天氣現象。 

Circulation of water

One of the most important characteristics of climate of the earth, it is the moisture that is conveys and is distributed in right amount, this includes its regular variety between solid state, liquid state and gaseous state.

' water, has urged naturally ', Da Vinci has said so remembering with gratitude. Because he knows very well the favor of water and this nature, while driving by the great temperature, change of pressing, have assented the existence of the life.

The steam in the atmosphere is coming from the river, river, lake, sea, moist surface of object and evaporation function of the plant leave; And via the sports of the air, deliver the steam to higher atmosphere.

The steam usually in the atmosphere is mainly centred in near the ground, reduce on the height of 1.5 kilometers for half on the ground promptly; In height of 5 kilometers, reduce as 1/10 of the ground; More upward content is less. But in some cases, there is steam content that highly raises the situation increased with the gas-bearing formation.

The steam content in the atmosphere changes with latitude and time, generally speaking, the higher the latitude is, the less steam content is ; The steam content in summer is greater than in winter. There is little although steam content in the atmosphere, but it is a changing important role of weather, the composition changed in the popularity can only take place too. Steam has been turned into causing a series of weather phenomenon such as the cloud, fog, rain, snow.



參考: 天之心
2008-11-05 6:47 am
地球上的水藉由陽光的熱能所產生的蒸發作用,轉換成水氣傳送到大氣層中,大氣層中的水氣再經由凝結(雲、霧)與降水(雨、雪)的形式回到地表,最後經由河流或地下水的途徑匯入海洋,形成一個永續的循環,稱為水循環 (Hydrologic Cycle)。一個水分子由大海中蒸發進入大氣層中,再落回地面,流入海洋,完成一個循環大約需要九天(實際所需的時間要看水分子經過的路徑而定)。






2008-11-05 6:39 am

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