
2008-11-05 5:44 am
蛋糕(咩味道都得)同 " 鄧蛋 "既英文食譜.. 吾洗咁復習 要簡簡單單既


回答 (2)

2008-11-06 2:12 am
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Blueberry Cheesecake Recipe
This blueberry cheesecake recipe combines the sweet taste of blueberries with rich cheesecake. It has a light and fluffy texture, making every bite melt in your mouth.

Blueberry Cheesecake


1/4 cup Butter, Melted
1 1/2 cup Vanilla Wafer Crumbs
1/4 cups Cold Water
1 envelope Unflavored Gelatin
16 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
1 tsp. Grated Lemon Peel
1 tbsp. Lemon Juice
7 oz (1 jar) Marshmallow Creme
2 cups Blueberries Frozen or Fresh
3 cups Frozen Whipped Topping (thawed)


1. Combine crumbs and butter, press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Chill.

2. Soften gelatin in water, stir over low heat until dissolved. Gradually add the gelatin to cream cheese, mixing at
medium speed on electric mixer until well blended. Blend in lemon juice and lemon peel.

3. Add the marshmallow creme, mix well. Fold in whipped topping.

4. Puree the blueberries then fold into cream cheese mixture. Chill until firm.
2008-11-05 8:17 am
您信我用這方法可以幫助您解決身體問題, 碧咸球隊都是用它
係咪想型d, fit d又健康d?

我個女13歲, 都是用這方法, 一個月減10磅, 三個月減20磅.
改善鼻敏感, 流鼻血, 暗瘡少咗, FIT咗, 讀書仲好咗, 仲拿第一添.

我做文職, 133磅, 160CM用咗簡單經濟又健康既方法!,我用左4個月減左20磅, 改善頭痛,胃痛, 暈車浪,植物曲脹, 越來越fit!面色仲好過以前!

介紹你飲一隻營養蛋白素做營養早餐,當細胞吸收充足營養,扺抗力就增強,生病的情況就會自然大大減少!低卡路里,代替早餐, 午餐兩餐,可作為減重, 代替一餐,可作為keep fit.
一杯營養代餐相當於33種蔬菜, 6種水果, 內含200多種養養素,
100%天然草本素食者亦食用, 蛋白素相等於 5 錢燕窩、2 份蔬菜、1 份水果、1 塊牛扒同半杯鮮奶!


網站可以增肥, 減肥, 改善身形,健康體重控制,
細胞更新, 美容護膚, 送免費脂肪測試及健康分析一次http://www.healthcometrue.com/life
[[ 填完form會有營養顧問免費跟進^^ ]]
我一定可以幫到你姐!TEL: 93227176 阿紅

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