Have a maths equation's game

2008-11-05 5:37 am
Mike has 4 times as many stamps as kevin does.If Mike gives 16 stamps to
Kevin,he still has 25 more stamps than Kevin does.How many stamps does
each of them have originally?

2.Tom is 32 years younger than his father.Seven years ago,his age is 1/5of his father's.Find the current age of Toms' father?

2(p+2)+4p-2/3=12/5 that mean: 2(p+2)+4p-2=12/5 / 3


4p-2 _______ 3


3. 2(p+2)+4p-2=12/5 ____ 3

回答 (2)

2008-11-05 6:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

Let Kelvin has X stamps . So , Mike has 4X stamps.

4X - 16 - 25 = X + 16

4X - 41 = X + 16

3X = 57

X = 19

So , Lelvin has 19 stamps a.nd Mike has 76 stamps.


Let Tom is Y years old now . So , His father is (Y + 32) years old.

Y + 32 - 7 = 5(Y - 7)

Y + 25 = 5Y - 35

4Y = 60

Y = 15

So , Tom is 15 years old and his father is 47 years old.
2008-11-05 6:15 am
2. let F be the age of Tom's father, then F-32 be the age of Tom
(F-32)-7 = (F-7)/5
5(F-32-7) = F-7
5F-5(39) = F-7
5F-F = 39(5)-7
4F = 195-7
F = (195-7)/4
F = 188 /4
F = 47
The current age of Tom's father is 47

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