英文 ”ME” 和 ”I” 的分別

2008-11-05 4:15 am
唔該搵人話我知 ME 同 I 有咩分別!!
回答時請講埋 幾時, 點樣用 同 點分 用這兩個字,最好有埋例句!!!THX~

回答 (11)

2008-11-05 8:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there, Miss,

You may just show your pupils that " I" is normally used as a subject ( it is usually put in front of a sentence) and "me" is used as a pronoun too, but it is never a subject by letting them understand your simple examples .
1) I am your friend. I= Subject ( tell them " subject" is the most important part of a sentence and perhaps let them spot them from your sentences.)
2) I love you all. ( ask them who the big boss is ( the subject) ^_^ in this sentence.)
About how to use " me" , I suggest that you'd use similar methods .
1) My teacher is teaching me. ( Who is the most important part here, boys and girls? Who is the boss? :))
I guess your pupils would know that you'd be the boss, not them then
you may tell them " me" is replaced with " I" in the sentence
and it also means " YOU" ,but it is never the big boss( the subject)
--- your teacher is!
Just help themwith patience . I am sure that they will understand the difference between these two words.
So good luck to you, and see you around.

2008-11-05 01:38:17 補充:
1) I am teaching you. ( Who is the most important part here, boys and girls? Who is the boss? :))

You may use this example sentence as well. ***************
2008-11-06 4:09 am
2008-11-05 9:34 pm
Simple sentence structure
Subject verb object
主詞 動詞 賓詞
1. I love you
2. You love me.

1. I, subject(主); you,object(賓)
2. You, subject(主); me, object(賓)

簡單講: I 主詞, 放前面, me 賓詞, 放後面

This is me. 或者 This is I.
多數人用me. 因為佢係object賓詞。
但有人話用I 因為是連著下句,所以是subject主詞, 用I才對,例如
This is I who hit him.

咁點呀? 當然用 me 喇, 因為多人用。除非你作詩就冇所謂。

參考: en.wikipedia.org
2008-11-05 8:52 pm
如:I love you.因為love這個動作是I去作,所以I是主詞,因此要用I而不用me
相反,You love me.的me是接受love這個動詞,所以是受詞,因此用me不用I

2008-11-05 6:37 am
I is a subject. Me is a pronoun.

e.g. I (subject) went to see a movie with my brother yesterday.

e.g. Do you want to go to see a movie with me? (pronoun)
2008-11-05 4:49 am
ME 放係後面 : He play with me
I 放係前面
而I多數係主動...如: i put my school bag under the table.

"He" play with me . 佢同我一齊玩
I play wiht "him" 我同佢一齊玩

i like to play with her. 我中意同佢一齊玩
she like to play with me 佢中意同我一齊玩..
參考: 我
2008-11-05 4:43 am

2008-11-05 4:40 am
I:通常用在句子的開頭。如:I have a cat.
Me:通常用在句子的動詞or前置詞後面。如:She play with me.(with 是前置詞)
參考: me
2008-11-05 4:30 am
me : pronoun
I: subject
2008-11-05 4:18 am
I 係放係前面的
例如:I am a boy
Me 係放係後面
如:what 's that to do with me.

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