F.2 科學一問(高明必進)---20點

2008-11-05 3:18 am
1. 點解plants一定在食物鏈的開頭?
2.在IS書,經常和respiration拉埋來講,話respiration是用來把食物化學能釋放出來,also話respiration take parts in every cells和respiration中,cells會釋放carbon dioxide,事實上respiration是不是和breathing一樣的?我真係唔係好明。
3.我們breathe 的oxygen 可以供給我們的cells用,點解本書話用來break down the food to release oxygen?


回答 (4)

2008-11-05 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 點解plants一定在食物鏈的開頭?
所有生物唔係 [自己製造食物], 就要[食人地], 係咪? 即係話 [食人地]一定唔可以係食物鏈開頭啦, 係咪? 個結果, 咪次次都係植物係開頭囉.
2.在IS書,經常和respiration拉埋來講,話respiration是用來把食物化學能釋放出來,also話respiration take parts in every cells和respiration中,cells會釋放carbon dioxide,事實上respiration是不是和breathing一樣的?我真係唔係好明。
1/ Gaseous exchange = Breathing
只在口鼻, 氣管, 肺泡中發生, 由空氣提取氧, 溶入血液, 接上haemoglobin, 及由血液釋放CO2, 化為氣體, 呼出.
2/ Cellular respiration
在全身每一個細胞裡發生, 將氧和葡萄糖react, 產生二氧化碳, 和能量.
part 1/ 同 part 2/ 既關係, 就係part 1/ 係O2 和 CO2 出入身體既途徑, 純物理既運輸過程. 而part 2/ 係O2 轉成 CO2 既過程, 係一個化學反應[chemical reaction].
part 1/ 同 part 2/ 係相輔相成, 缺一不可. 有時書中係講緊part 1/ 有時講緊 part 2/, 因為兩個parts 都可以就咁叫 respiration.
3.我們breathe 的oxygen 可以供給我們的cells用,點解本書話用來break down the food to release oxygen?
係囉, 咁比d cells 點用呀? 咪就係比d cells 用來break down the food to release energy 囉 {係release energy, 唔係release oxygen}. 就係頭先講既 cellular respiration, 係同一件事來的.
參考: 在下教過IS 和高中Biology.
2008-11-19 1:45 am
2008-11-05 4:58 am
首先,plants食物鏈的開頭的reason,because plants是一個食物製造者,世界上人類暫時只發現plant是可以透過photosynthesis自行生產食物,而其他動物是間接依賴plant得到能量,舉個例:


respiration and breathing is two different things .if you find in ce biology
books,it have are good answer
breathing is only the gas change , it is not have any chemical reaction
for example
red blood cell bring oxygen to the cell
respiration is the process by which organism release chemical from food
through the control oxidative breakdown of food
so it is two part
if you want to compare respiration it should be burnt and respiration .because they are similarities.like chemical action and need oxygen.
我們breathe 的oxygen 可以供給我們的cells用 is the right.but'break
downthe food to release oxygen?'i think your sentence is not completely. so ,
if you have are complete sentence. i will give you answer.
參考: oxford ce biology books
2008-11-05 4:09 am

1) 因為plants 係 autotrophic nutrition(自養營養),意思係佢地可以use the
light energy such as sun light to produce starch. starch係plants 既食物.
我地人同動物都可以透過光產生食物比自身..得plants可以, 所以plants係生產者

2)+3)breathing係一個action.includes inhalation (吸氣) and exhalation (呼氣)
respiration係一個 oxidation process (氧化作用)... 例如:食一片面包...intake左d starch消化左之後成為glucose 去到我地d cell度..係度個moment cell係用唔到d chemical energy 要透過 respiration 先可用到d chemical energy

glucose + oxygen------->energy + carbon dioxide + water

2008-11-14 07:41:46 補充:
1) 因為plants 係 autotrophic nutrition(自養營養),意思係佢地可以use the
light energy such as sun light to produce starch. starch係plants 既食物.
我地人同動物都(唔)可以透過光產生食物比自身..得plants可以, 所以plants係生產者(我地/動物要靠食左佢地得到能量)
參考: meme

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