
2008-11-05 2:23 am
我想知如果以旅客身份進入加拿大境, 最多可帶幾多錢入境呢 ? 又如果是加拿大公民回國, 又可帶幾多錢入境呢 ??

回答 (2)

2008-11-05 2:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
加拿大係無錢幣限制 (Currency Restrictions) 嘅. 無論係旅客或加拿大公民, 出入加拿大都可携帶不論數額嘅加拿大圓及外幣.
但係為咗防範先黑錢活動, 如果你携帶多過一萬加圓 (CAD10,000) 或等值外幣出境或入境加拿大, 你就需要在入境或出境時向 Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) 申報.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2008-11-05 12:56 pm
you can bring as much as you want into Canada.
BUT, you ned to fill the form to report how much you carry with you.no reason asked.
you can ask the fight attendant to give you the form before the plane land.

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