
2008-11-05 1:57 am
中文 幫我作唔該 ^^


a. 「欲窮千里目,更上一層樓。」


Willy's favourite snack was ice-cream , especially the chocolate ones . He had the bad habit of eating them one after another.
'This is bad for your health . ' Scolded Willy's mother . ' It will make you very fat . '
Willy was not going to listen to his mother .Willy was not going to stop eating ice - cream . He loved them too much.
One night , Willy had a nightmare . He dreamt that he has turned into an ugly and fat ice- cream monster. People would run away when they see him.The monster was so greedy . He would gobble up all the ice-cream cones.
The next day , Willy did not eat any ice-cream at all . Do you know why?

1.What was Willy's favourite snack?
2.What bad habit does Willy have ?
3.Why did his mother want him to stop eating ice-cream?
4.Why wouldn't Willy stop eating ice-cream?
5.Can you guess why he did not eat any ice-cream the next day?

回答 (2)

2008-11-05 4:47 am
1. Willy's facourite snack was ice- cream.
2. He had the bad habit of eating them one after another
3. It is because his mother said ' It will make you very fat . '
4. It is because he loved them too much
5. Because he get sick.
2008-11-05 2:12 am
1. Willy's facourite snack was ice- cream.
2. He had the bad habit of eating them one after another
3. It is because his mother said ' It will make you very fat . '
4. It is because he loved them too much
5. Because he get sick.
參考: myself

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