
2008-11-04 11:54 pm
The government should spend more to encourage people to do sport.'Do you
Write a letter to the editor of the Young Post giving your opinions. Start your letter'Dear Editor', and sign it'Chris Wong'. Do not write an address.

Dear editor,

People nowadays concentrate their works or studies. Some of the people are not interest in sports. Someone just likes to watch tournaments of sport but they don’t joint in any sport games. Actually, if we’re happy to do sport, it could bring benefits for us. I think that the government should spend more to encourage people to do sport.

In my view, to do sport can improve our body. Also, it makes our body fitness. To lessen our pressure, we should do sport. If people like to do sport, their occupation might be choosing to do an athlete. Then, the athlete’s standard will be increase.

How to encourage people to do sport? I think that the government should promote more about athletic videos for public. It could increase their interesting. Moreover, the government ought to support schools to hold some course, such us hockey, handball and golf. The government will be built bigger stadiums for public to enjoy.

Finally, I agree that the government should spend more to encourage people to do sport because sports are make our own good. I hope that people does sports every day. Sport is very important in our life.

Yours faithfully


Dear Editor, (199 words)

回答 (2)

2008-11-05 3:21 am
✔ 最佳答案

People nowadays concentrate (on) their works or studies. Some of the people(them會好d) are not interest(ed) in sports. (Someone) just likes to watch tournaments of sport but they(前面用sb,後面點可以突然轉they, 最好前面轉they) don’t joint(join) in any (sport games)→(sport). Actually, if we’re happy to do sport, it could bring benefits for us. I think that the government should spend more to encourage people to do sport.

In my view, (to do sport)→(doing sport) can improve our body(bodies). Also, it makes our body(bodies) (加to be) fitness(healthy). To(For) lessen(reducing) our pressure, we should do sport. If people like to do sport, (their occupation might be choosing to do)→(they may be) an athlete. (Then, the athlete’s standard will be increase.)(唔係好明你呢到想講咩)

How to encourage people to do sport? I think that the government should promote more about(冇about) athletic videos for (加the) public. It could(can) increase their interesting(interest). Moreover, the government ought to support schools to hold some course(s), such us(as) hockey, handball ,and golf. The government (will be built)(點解用will be? Should build) bigger stadiums for (the) public to enjoy.(maybe冇to enjoy會好d)

Finally, I agree that the government should spend more to encourage people to do sport because sports are make(how come兩個verb會放埋一齊) our own good(成句改good for us). I hope that people does(do) sports every day.(加because,前面冇句號) S(s改細)port is very important in our life(lives).


參考: 本人
2008-11-05 12:31 am
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