✔ 最佳答案
Nowadays, Facebook ( has) more than 70 million active users and over 55,000 regional, work-related, collegiate, and high school networks. The ( success= noun) of Facebook is (obvious). The reason (for that) is because of (its) easy, interesting and (diversified) application(s). It ( does)not only combine function(s) (with) the popular website(s) (but also) develop new and ( flexible) application(s). Also, it ( provides) people( with strong platforms) to contact ( and keep in touch with their) friends. Facebook (has) made ( some changes) in (our) society. People can ( really) express their standpoint(s),discuss ( different) issue(s) freely. As it (has) a lot of members from all over the world,it will (definitely) ( foster) globalization.
That's all.
Hope it helps.
2008-11-04 14:16:33 補充:
Facebook (has) made ( some dramatic changes) in (our) society.******
2008-11-04 23:04:09 補充:
To love_siuBT and a71937025 ,