會計 - 入賬

2008-11-04 8:34 pm
我依家幫一個 Club 做緊盤數。年頭個 Club 訂造一塊獎牌送俾某一間大學,咁我應該入General Expenses? Donation? 定其他呀?

回答 (3)

2008-11-04 8:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As this is a club, it should be charged to Souvenirs account.

2008-11-04 14:11:23 補充:
The souvenir, a shield, a crystal display etc. is given to the University maybe for opening ceremony, open day, annual dinner or exchange of souvenir in an event.

2008-11-04 14:11:34 補充:
This is not of any donation in nature whether this is a charitable or not for tax purposes. This is an accounting issue and is a generally accepted accounting treatment.
2008-11-05 4:59 pm
由於每一間公司有其既定會計政策(Accounting Policies),所以我認為你應該參考去年同類費用所登錄賬目:1. 以符合會計政策之延續性(Consistency) ;及2. 賬目在年與年比較數字才變得有意義。
2008-11-04 8:47 pm
我認為donation 較好, 可以show d 個club ge 社會責任, but claim 唔claim 到稅, 就要睇下係咪認可ge 慈善團體.

參考: i am account guy

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