求一段兩分鐘既英文新聞短講 (20分)

2008-11-04 3:47 am




回答 (1)

2008-11-04 9:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Asked in an interview broadcast Monday morning what most displeased him about the nearly 2-year-long contest, Obama cited attacks launched by Republicans against his wife, Michelle.
"There's a Republican or right wing media outlet ... that went after my wife for awhile in a way that I thought was just completely out of bounds," Obama said on CBS's "The Early Show."
"I would have never considered or expected my allies to do something comparable to the spouse of an opponent," he added. "They support their spouse, but generally they really should be bystanders in this process, even if they're campaigning for me. ... I mean that's what you'd expect. And that doesn't make them suddenly targets."
All that's left now is for the campaigns to make sure people vote, unleashing an unprecedented get-out-the-vote campaigns.
There are usually hard words in news.
This is the easiest piece I could find.
Hope it helps.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 19:07:56
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