trip to 聖米歇爾山

2008-11-04 2:24 am
My wife & I would go to Paris from 22/12 to 27/12. The itinerary is as follows:

22/12: set off from London and arrive Paris at 13:30 by Eurostar
25/12: as it is a holiday in Paris, we planned to go to 聖米歇爾山 and stay at there for 1 night.
26/12: back to Paris
27/12: leave Paris at 17:10 and go back to London.

Questions come:

1: would it be a better idea to go to 聖米歇爾山 during Christmas or Christmas Eve or Boxing day?
2: we would go to there by ourselves, so would it be better to stay at there for a night or just to return to Paris on the same day? Some guide books tell us that the travelling time is around 7 hrs (to and fro).


回答 (1)

2008-11-04 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這個行程不可成行. 聖米切爾山的修道院於 12 月 25 日是不對外開放的 !! 可參考
12 月 24 和 26 日都會如常開放, 你可以考慮修改行程.
大部份遊客都是以自遊行一天遊形式來回巴黎和聖米切爾山. 首先於巴黎需乘早上 7 點出發的 TGV 火車到 Rennes, 然後再轉巴士到聖米切爾山, 車程大約 3 小時半. 回程於下午 4 點乘巴士回 Rennes, 再轉 TGV 火車回巴黎. 所以 7 小時的車程是正確的.
如果需要於當地停留一晚, 因聖米切爾山的住宿選擇不多而且昂貴, 可考慮以 Rennes 作遊覽基地的.
參考: Living in Paris for a year before + Personal travel experience

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