中譯英.2句好短...不要用網上字典 10

2008-11-03 10:20 pm
香港的crime rate很低


回答 (7)

2008-11-03 10:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Crime rate in Hong Kong is low.

2. 呢一段唔係好通, 首先泰國係一個國家唔係一個城市, 我估你係想講曼谷係咪? 其次香港冇錯同曼谷一樣咁熱, 但曼谷唔止夏季而係成年都熱, 唔知呢三句你想分開定連貫, 只好照分開三句譯:
Summer in Hong Kong is as hot as Bangkok.
Hong Kong is a financial center.
Bangkok is a tourist city.

參考: Myself
2008-11-08 11:21 pm
Hong Kong and Thailand `s summer also are very hot

( 香港同泰國夏季都是很熱 )

Hong Kong is a center of finance city

( 香港是金融中心城市 )

Thailand is a tour city

( 泰國是旅遊城市 )
參考: me(绝對不是用yahoo聰明筆打的!)
2008-11-04 6:55 am
香港的crime rate很低 :
Crime rate in Hong Kong is pretty low.

Both Hong Kong and Thailand are very hot in summer. While Hong Kong is a city of financial centre, Thailand is a country for trourism.
參考: Myself
2008-11-04 12:50 am
香港的crime rate很低 = The crime rate in Hong Kong is pretty low.
香港同泰國夏季都是很熱 = Hong Kong is as hot as Thailand in Summer time.
香港是金融中心城市 = Hong Kong is one of the financial centres in the world.
泰國是旅遊城市 = Bangkok is a tourism city. (Note: Thailand is a country, not a city.)
參考: self
2008-11-04 12:10 am
香港的crime rate很低 - The crime rate of Hong Kong is very low.

香港同泰國夏季都是很熱 - It is terribly hot during summer in Hong Kong and Thailand.

香港是金融中心城市 - Hong Kong is a financial centre city.

泰國是旅遊城市 - Thailand is a tourist city.
2008-11-03 11:58 pm
Hong Kong and Thailand are all very hot summer
Hong Kong is a financial center in the city
Thailand is a tourist city
參考: It must correct!!
2008-11-03 10:43 pm
Both Hong Kong and Thailand are very hot in summer.
Hong Kong is a city of financial centres.
Thailand is a tourist country.
參考: own

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