CDS Level

2008-11-03 10:26 am
我想問下CDS 係點解 ?

另外我想問下CDS LEVEL 個排名係點計, 係高好D定低好D ? 例如 : BNP 60, CITIBANK 262, 禁邊一間個CDS 先係叫好 ? 另外CDS LEVEL 係用MUG 野手則排名..........

回答 (1)

2008-11-03 10:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
CDS means Credit Defaul Swap in which the CDS buyers swap the credit risk of the underlying party to the CDS seller, in return the buyers pay insurance premium to the seller, withtn the time period specifed in the contract. If the underlying party defaults, the protection buyer can get back the whole principal from the seller. As the CDS premium is expressed in basis points for example: 50 bps p.a. (0.5%). That's mean the buyer has to pay 0.5% of the protected principal to the CDS seller. If the principal amount is USD 1 million, then the buyer has to pay USD 5,000 for the insurance. I think the level depends on the tenor (time), the underlying party and the principal amount.

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