Does curse exist in this world? I feel like dying.?

2008-11-03 7:03 am
I'm 22 years old, and throughout my life, I have always tried my best to do well in school, and make my parents proud. But ever since I stepped into University, I found every day of my life is so painful, tedious and wasting of time. The teaching system has been extremely bad, and it is extremely confusing, unfair and difficult to follow their curriculums.

Probably many of you who read this, would say this is my "own excuse" or whinging. But I can guarantee you that this is the fact, and there is nothing I can do. I started to keep failing many courses, because I have no idea what they are teaching, and the university offers so little help which is so ridiculous compared to the difficulty of the tasks they assigned to us.

I'm panick, worried, depressed, stressed almost every day of my life, and no matter how hard i tried to learn, it seems that failing is inevitable at the end. I feel so hopeless, and keep getting Failing grades on my record which I extremely hate. But there is like nothing i can do. Just finished my exams, and I think once more..I will fail again since I did so bad.

Why is life so unfair...why isn't god helping me...its like a curse, no matter what I do, i never get good in my studies even though I have extremely good will for it. I just don't get it, I don't think I am dumb, as I used to be 2nd place out of around 99 students in the maths class, but why it just doesn't apply to I.T. (programming), and now I look like a dummy in the class. What should I do? I really see no hope living...under this unbreakable curse..its like destiny never lets me to get good grades. I'm crying,

回答 (5)

2008-11-03 7:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. You should switch universities, and/or switch your career choice.. I mean, if you don't, you obviously won't be happy.

2. The reason I say switch universities, is because different schools grade differently and teach differently. Like, in my math class, I was one of the students who was going to skip two years ahead math-wise. But once I got into a new school, the regular class just made me feel stupid.

3. Grades don't determine your brightness.

4. People make mistakes. It's in their nature. Even your teachers make mistakes, obviously, from the looks of things.

5. Dying is ending your chances. I mean, you wanna get out of it, but dying is a little extreme, isn't it?

6. You know it's not your fault, so don't try and get with the program if the Program is broken. Switch schools, I don't know how, you just try and find a way, I can't solve every problem.

Good luck with everything, I wish you the best :]

P.S. I don't think medicine and paying weird people to ask about your life will fix anything.
2008-11-03 7:18 am
My friend be steadfast. I'm not going to get philosophical much, just want to lend a helping hand in any way I can. In today's society we strive for social worth as well as self worth but we have all missed the mark. Now bare with my beliefs and take them for what they are worth. I myself am a college student and I struggle on a daily basis, but grades, social acceptance, parental gratification are hollow. I find that we shouldn't be living our lives to better ourselves, we should be living our lives to better others. Terrible jobs, terrible classes, etc. take them and twist them to something worth while. I make an honest effort to live everyday in the most helpful way I can: this means opening doors for others, calling a distant friend, giving advice and receiving it with an open heart, humbling myself when I'm angry, striving to be like Christ. Now I know you might be shut off by religion but the concept of Christ is beautiful. A servant above all and unconditional love for those that least deserve it. I am only human but I feel an inner sense of peace when I strive to be like Him. Enough preaching, my friend enjoy this life, its the only one you got, love your neighbor, and live to the fullest........ and last but not least always do the little things: opening doors, helping a friend, and keeping faith in what we don't know. God be with you.
2008-11-03 7:10 am
Try changing majors.
2008-11-03 7:08 am
If you say you are depressed, you are depressed. Seek the help of a school counselor or psychologist. This is serious business if depression is causing you to hate school, get bad grades and "feel like dying".
2008-11-03 7:07 am
There is no god. Cry more tubby.

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