What do you do if you have to fart in class?

2008-11-02 2:03 pm
I have terrible stomach issues and I get gas really easily.

It gets really bad if i sit down for a long time, so unfortunately that means during class, haha.

What do you do if you have to fart in class? Moving around in your chair and going to the bathroom once can get you so far if you have stomach issues like me.

These stomach issues are a side affect of a medication that I'm on, so no need to go to the doctor, haha.

回答 (38)

2008-11-02 2:05 pm
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i blame other people that they did it
2008-11-02 2:05 pm
just let 'er rip and point to the guy next to you.
2008-11-02 2:12 pm
don't be embarressed i fart alot too! :)haha
if you have to fart in class don't be afraid . Be proud. you'll be the class clown
or you'll be known as toot toot or fart bomb for the rest of your life teehee
good luck
參考: it happened to me
2008-11-02 2:06 pm
Say ," I did that because I'm SPECIAL."
2008-11-02 2:06 pm
Wait until someone says "do you smell that?" and pretend like you dont. Then a few seconds later pretend the smell made it your way and say ew. Haha
2008-11-02 2:06 pm
Bring a big sweater to class and sit on it. It will muffle the sound of the fart and hopefully absorb some of the smell!!
2008-11-02 2:08 pm
I used to always fart in class and its extremely embarssing and this is a tip and you need to listen up !

1- Before going to school go the bathroom take you're time, you might never know that it wants to go out

2- You need to go the bathroom when you ever feel like stomach issues are gonna come to you

3- Dont eat something thats a lot of oil or gassy in school cause that causes the stomach issues

4-Don't drink any soft drinks or milk just drink water or some juice but low fat juice.

5-Hold it and when you go home do it whenever/whatever/wherever you are. :)
參考: Used to do those tips in 6th Grade.. Still Do.. :)
2008-11-02 2:06 pm
Blame it on the guy next to u :D
2008-11-02 2:06 pm
Fart and blame it on someone else.
2008-11-02 2:05 pm
I just let it go in class, then move seats and be like ew whats that smell?
2008-11-02 2:05 pm
bring an air horn to class to mask the fart noise.
2008-11-02 2:30 pm
i hold it in=]
there have been times where i just farted, but i just blame it on someone else
2008-11-02 2:08 pm
Wow for a girl your really open....thats not a ? I would ask....Im not sure what to tell you I guess let it rip...nah j/k go to the Dr. maybe he can help you with your problem....or stop eating beans...★
2008-11-02 2:08 pm
blame it on another people heheh
2008-11-02 2:08 pm
You just don't
2008-11-02 2:07 pm
Let it out really easy. A little at a time. Then, say to the guy nex to you, "Did you fart? Ugh. Somebody did."
2008-11-02 2:07 pm
um... well not that i can say i've ever had such an extreme issue as it sounds you may have, but actually, i find holding it will make it come out on it's own, and then will be silent... even if it's smelly, at least there's no identifying noises!
2008-11-02 2:07 pm
I hold it in, once you hold it in for awhile, it becomes more of a silent fart
2008-11-02 2:06 pm
slowly ease it on out, the silent fart or asked to be excused if its too much
2008-11-02 2:06 pm
Try doing it slowly,
Blame it on someone else,
Just hold it in or
Wait till the room is kind of noisy so no one will hear it.
2008-11-02 2:06 pm
i hold it in...try to get up for a tissue every 20 minutes o master the art of "holding it in".
參考: I hold it in...MASTERY!
2008-11-02 2:06 pm
hold it in or ask to got to the toilet
2008-11-02 2:05 pm
I would either excuse myself to the bathroom, try to make it look like someone else did it, make it silent and deadly, or just tough it out
2008-11-02 2:08 pm
2015-11-12 12:36 am
Okay so, today I was kind of gassy, but I didn't know that in the future everyone would understand why I was always restless. So about 2 mins later, a gigantic fart comes tumbling out of my toush. Everyone gets quiet, even the teacher. I'm ovbiously paralyzed at this time. So I thought it was all over with, but at lunch I hear people laughing hysterically. The thing is, I didn't realize until now that they were laughing at me.
2008-11-02 4:31 pm
Haha! Just hang in there and hold it in. Try asking if you can go to the bathroom. Try not to think about it either. Once you are done with that medication you should alright hopefully. If not you should get an over the counter drug that will relieve your gas.
2008-11-02 2:17 pm
oh,ask and go out
2008-11-02 2:12 pm
Squeek it out slowly so it isn't a big ripper.
2008-11-02 2:07 pm
try to get a toilet pass, or something, because in my school, if u have some sort of problem, then u can go to the toilet during lesson time unfortunatly i dont have one. lol
also when ur about to do it, if u need to, cough and then after a bit say oh man have u farted to the people next to u.
2008-11-02 2:07 pm
errr i dont know i just hold it in

but one time i did by accident but people thought i was someone else phew...


or maybe u can like talk really loud or make a nosie when your about to fart so it blocks out the sound?

i really dont know... lol
2008-11-02 2:07 pm
excuse yourself and run behind the door or to bathroom
2008-11-02 2:06 pm
Just hold it in!
2008-11-02 2:06 pm
there is something you can take to slove all your gassy probs. lol, its caled gas-x. its like those cool thin mint strips.
2008-11-02 2:05 pm
hold it in
2008-11-02 2:05 pm
I hold it in or atleast go to the bathroom.
2008-11-02 2:07 pm
Just fart!Of coures!
2008-11-02 2:06 pm
I don't tend to have this problem in class, but wither go to the toliet, or squeeze your buttocks together :) Sorry i don't really know

Hope i helped
2008-11-02 2:06 pm
Get to the doctor to make sure there are not any serious problems. I would seriously talk to him/her about this and see what they have to say. Good luck

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