[AL chem]Ca o既atomic radius 點解大過Zn??

2008-11-03 3:10 am
Ca o既atomic radius 點解大過Zn??

由Ca到Zn所增加o既electron 全部都入3d orbital,而唔係the outermost shell
inner shell electrons 多左,screening effect 一定多左,同時nuclear charge都一定多左

平時across a period(period 2,3),由於新入黎o既electron 入係 outermost
shell,inner shell electrons無多到,所以screening effect 無咩變,我o地先可以話個effective nuclear charge一定增加姐

但由Ca到Zn ,screening effect同nuclear charge都一齊上升喎!!


re tsangjohn1: 咁Zn 甩電子,會甩3d orbital o既electron 先????


re Uncle Michael: 咁係咪由於electrons in inner shells (n = 1, 2 and 3) of small n give stronger screening effects than electrons in inner shells of large n,所以每一層shell o既距離會遞減???? 咁點證明inner electrons give screening effect in order of: s > p > d? 有無咩例子?

回答 (2)

2008-11-03 4:24 am
✔ 最佳答案

The electronic configurations:

Ca: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2

Zn: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2

Consider the screening effect. From Ca to Zn, the increase in screening effect is due to filling in 10 more 3d electrons.
It is known that electrons in inner shells (n = 1, 2 and 3) of small n give stronger screening effects than electrons in inner shells of large n. Also, inner electrons give screening effect in order of: s > p > d. Therefore, the 10 3d-electrons have weaker screening effect than all other electrons in the inner shells.

From Ca to Zn, the nuclear charge is increased by 10, but the increase in screening effect due to filling in 10 more d-electrons is small as discussed above. Therefore, the electrons in the outermost 4s shells of Zn are thus more strongly held by the nuclei than those of Ca. This leads to the fact that Zn has a smaller atomic radius than Ca.
2008-11-03 4:14 am
以我學了一個月 Electronic Configuration 既知識, 3d orbital 的能量較 4s 為高, 所以 3d orbital 是在 4s orbital 外面, 因此進入 3d orbital 入面既 electrons 會在 4s orbital 既 electrons 既外面.

當 electrons 進入 3d orbital, electrons 係入緊同一個 shell, 所以 the outermost electrons are poorly screened. 而 proton 上升, 所以 effective nuclear charge 增加, 吸力大左, 導致 atomic radius 短了.

2008-11-02 21:23:16 補充:
咁Zn 甩電子,會甩3d orbital o既electron 先????

正確 ^^
參考: 自己半桶水既化學知識

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