What is 64% of 47% of 31% of (I'm guessing) 100%?

2008-11-01 8:14 am
Is there an easy way for me to figure this out in the future?

100% = 100, I know 31% of that is 31, but what I can't figure is 47% of 31, and I don't know how..

回答 (7)

2008-11-01 8:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
31 % of 100 is 31 ... 47% of 31 is (47/100*31)=14.57 ... 64 % of 14.57 is (64/100*14.57) = 9.3248

therefore your answer is 9.32
2008-11-01 8:23 am
Work backwards. (i.e start with 31% of 100% which would be 31/100 x 100/100). That gives you 31%. Now keep going backwards, 47% of 31% = 47/100 x 31/100 = 1457/10000. Again go backwards, find 64% of 1457/10000....... 64/100 x 1457/10000 = 1457/15625. That in a decimal is approximately 0.093248. So the answer is, about 9.32%.

2008-11-01 8:30 am
Yes! There is an easy way. Remember that you can convert fractions to decimals like this
31% = .31
47% = .41
and so on. Now start with 100%, and multiply by .31. That will give you 31% of 100%.
100(.31)= 31

Now multiply 31 by .47
31(.47)= 14.57

Finally, multiply 14.57 by .64
14.57(.64)= 9.3248
And there's your answer! Hopefully that makes sense. Have a RAD day!
2008-11-01 10:35 am
64% x 47% x 31% x 100%
= 64/100 x 47/100 x 31/100 x 100/100
= 16/25 x 47/100 x 31/100 x 1
= 752/2500 x 31/100
= 23312/250000
= 1457/15625
2008-11-01 8:51 am
64/100 x 47/100 x 31/100 x 100/100 =.0932=9.32%
2008-11-01 8:50 am
31 % of 100 is 31 You know that
47 % of 31% of 100 = 0.47(31) = 0.1457 or 14.57 %
64 % of 47 % of 31% of 100 = 0.64(0.1457) = 0.0943248 = 9.43248 %

64 % of 47 % of 31% of 100 = 0.64(0.47)(0.31) = same answer as above

2008-11-01 8:41 am
I think this question is tricky. Got to be careful and think clearly.

Firstly, remember that 31% means 31/100 which also basically means 31.

You see, by saying 47% of 31%, it means they want you to figure out how much is 47% out of 31. So, after calculating, you will get 14.57

Now, next step, do the same with 64%. Find 64% of 14.57
You will get 9.3248. Am I right?


Hope this helps!

Ps: You can round it off anyway you want if you want to!

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